About Us
Spring Shine Preschool and Kindergarten provides an avenue for developing your child’s potential. We provide quality education, centering around our vision to "Educate the Whole Child", with the primary goal to positively develop our little ones, physically, academically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and psychologically.
We at Spring Shine are intent on helping children develop foundations for creative learning attitudes and skills essential for success in school and in later life. We encourage thirst for learning, concentration, initiative, order, persistence, creativity, and originality.
At Spring Shine, we encourage children to reach their fullest potential and to “Be the Best that You Can Be”.
Our Facilities
Indoor Playground
We integrate physical activities into our everyday activities and learning here at Spring Shine. Thus, it is of utmost importance to have a playground that can accomodate various physical activities and equipments on site. Our indoor playground has many features that allow us to have a lot of variations in our play and learn sessions. The padded ground, multiple soft and hard cushions with various shapes, A-frame stairs, balancing beams, ropes, slides, and many other items to help out with conducting physical activities that are stimulating to little ones.
Our indoor classrooms are equipped with equipments and tools that are relevant to our Montessori curriculum, which requires us to provide the right learning environments for children to make self-discoveries and encourage them to learn further. Montessori is quite different to traditional curriculum in which the teachers direct the materials being taught for most part of learning. Montessori believes that we as educators are obliged to focus on the children and their interests, as well as their pace of learning. Thus, children are to direct their own learning, with the help of teachers and the learning environment that allow them to be successful in their learning journey and exploration..
The Middle Ground
Indoor Classroom
Indoor Classroom
Indoor Play Area
Outdoor Learning Space
While indoor classrooms and playground give us plenty of space and ease in our day-to-day learning, we feel that Montessori itself fits very well with outdoor learning environment. The Montessori approach places strong emphasis on hands-on, experiential learning, and being in an outdoor setting is very much a natural extension of this philosophy.
At our outdoor learning space, we have freedom in our day-to-day learning format and structure. Children are free to explore their limits while enjoying the freedom as provided by the outdoor space in which no walls are to be found. We integrate learning at our outdoor learning space on alternate days, providing them with plenty of sensorial stimulations, different learning environment to enjoy, develop their social interactions with children of the same and different ages, as well as nature interaction itself.
Typical day in our outdoor learning space consists of half hour of free play time and the rest is self-directed learning in which we explore many different aspects of the Montessori curriculum, which can span social studies, science, mathematics, engineering, language, numeracy and literacy, art, and music. Of course, physical activities are always encouraged - as the outdoor setting allows for greater freedom in physical exploration and play. Overall, having an indoor and outdoor setting certainly help us in covering the subject of early age children education.
Outdoor Learning Space
Outdoor Learning Space
Outdoor Learning Space
Outdoor Learning Space
Teaching Tools
Montessori education is known for its use of specialized materials and tools that are designed to promote hands-on learning and self-directed exploration/discovery. Each tool is designed to help young children in understanding often abstract concepts using concrete materials that they are able to touch and experience. For example, sensorial tools are designed to help children develop and refine their senses, such as touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound, which can include tools such as color tablets, geometric objects, musical instruments, and tactile materials.
Another example, for Numeracy tools, we use number rods, beads, spindle boxes, and other tools that help with visualizing counting of numbers and grasping the concept of more vs. less, tens vs. hundreds, addition vs. substraction, and others.
Yet another distinction in Montessori learning is the emphasis placed on practical life skills. Practical life materials are designed to help children develop practical skills for everyday living, such as pouring, scooping, cutting, and sewing. Examples include pouring pitchers, spooning exercises, sewing cards, and food preparation activities. While these activities seem trivial, they help children develop important life skills, such as self-care, independence, responsibility, and respect for others. These skills also help prepare children for later academic work, by developing concentration, attention to detail, and fine motor skills.