Physical Activities for Early Age Children

One of our unique approaches to learning is the integration of physical activities in our daily learning routines. We feel that physical activities and gross motor functions developments are paramount in early age children education.

Gross motor functions are the basic movements that we all learn as babies, which will continue to develop as we age. By stimulating and developing gross motoric skills, we believe that all other functions, including brain and nerve functions would also advance.

Early age children sometimes move clumsily as they are still developing and adjusting to their beings. Some children have asynchronous developments of their motoric and mental capacities, which might cause imbalances in their progress in learning. For example, they are able to run very quickly, but still unable to form sentences. Or some others that are able to speak very well, but are afraid to climb up the stairs.

We believe that Physical Activities integration is very relevant to early age education in that it gives many stimulations to cognitive functions, which in turn would provide better balance in children developments. For example, we observe children that are very reserved at first, becoming more and more confident as they go along. Some children that have not been able to communicate very well, get stimulated to converse and interact with others when playing and moving together.

Throughout our courses, we provide exposure to physical activities using varying ways, equipments, locations, and facilities. For example, we have an indoor playground that allows us to create obstacle courses that include climbing, balancing, walking, crawling, jumping, and other basic activities. While our outdoor playground, give exposure to nature and wider range of movements such as running, moving in groups, climbing higher grounds, and others.